Saturday, August 8, 2009
The time has come ....
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Closing Mommy and Me - Augst 15.2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Entercard Advertisers .. Thank You ...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Feeling Blue!

and neglecting this blog. I launched the website in November and am so pleased I have received several sales and I appear in some of the Google images. As all of you know who have a website it takes a lot of time and energy and thinking to create a presence. I am very, very open and appreciative to any ideas or comments on how to proceed in this undertaking. I know a lot of you out there in "internet land" are very successful and have some good learning experiences.
I would greatly appreciate your insights. Thanks a bunch!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Free Apron -

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Great Hostess Aprons ...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas Entertaining - A Must Have For The Hostess

Friday, November 21, 2008
Rasing Chickens - Have You Tried it?
Putting on the finishing touches …
Shopping for the flock … Porter’s Poultry Place, Garden Valley, Ca (530-333-9129) e-mail:
Darci, explaining about the crown. This was one of her Exhibition Chickens but the crown was not perfect so we get to take her home with us.
Showing Bill how to dust the “vent” …. mmm, new word understanding for me.
One of Darci’s Exhibition Chickens, crown not perfect so she gets to come home with us! Woo Hoo - we have a “beauty queen” reject!
At the Porter’s Poultry Place they raise chickens for eggs,breeding, eating, Exhibition Shows and for Kati’s 4-H.
Darci started out just 4 years ago with 6 chickens, and well, you see where she is today. She is a busy mom, busy “chicken lady” , busy wife. But one bit of information about Darci, you can put the lady on a Chicken Ranch but you can not take the Lady out of the Lady! Darci was born and raised at Newport Beach, California, growing up sailing boats. And just to prove it …. you will see a pretty nice boat parked at the Chicken Ranch.
This was a great adventure, driving to Garden Valley, about one hour from where we live. It was a nice introduction to our chicken experience. Darci and Kati are both warm, friendly, and eager to share about the care and types of chicken on their ranch. The whole trip was a delight … and now … “we are in the chicken business … well, at least eggs for breakfast … we are the proud owners of 5 beautiful, all different, chickens!
The “girls” new apartment. One is hiding someplace, but they all seem to be pretty happy!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Entrecard Top Droppers ...
verITableLIFE | |
BioTecK | |
New Orleans Food & Fun | |
Thrifty Momma Ramblings | |
My Absent Mind | |
Austin Counsel Lawyer Blog | |
Your Fun Family | |
Unique You | |
rainydazeee | |
Happy Life |
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Featured on "what mommysays" ... Thanks!

Friday, October 17, 2008
Blogging Woes!

Has anything like this ever happen to you! I really appreciate how Google was persistent in making sure that I had the corect information. Thank you to the Google Team!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Blogging Tips ...
Great site for women. Sign up for weekly inspiritonal ideas and tips from the toolkit.
Information on blogging and the lastest trends. Introducing a new search engine: iterend - might want to check this out.
Great summary of Google Rank Page, Alexa Traffic Rank, Links - Incoming and Outgoing, etc.
Great all over information.
Some great overall information!
If you have any other tips please leave them in the comments ... thanks!