I am thinking about jumping in and developing a simple, shopping cart, web site to promote and sell my aprons.
Do any of you have one? Who would you recommend for effective, simple but inexpensive hosting? If you have an individual web site for selling are you pleased about the results, would you recommend that as a way to go?
I see collective sights for selling on-line do any of you have experience with these? Would you particularly recommend a specific one?
I am open to all and any information .... do you just sell and promote from your blog? do you have a shopping cart on your blog? I run across so many ideas but I am looking for specific individuals such as yourself who have day to day experience to share and talk about. I would appreciate your input!
i've once written an article about Ashop.com, maybe you should check it out.
thanks for you comment, you're welcome to bring the lemon water post here ;) thanks.
Of course you may publish it on your blog. I'm hoping to promote as many people as I possibly can, and will be happy to do another review of your place once my blog kicks off and begins to receive more traffic.
I'm about to email you some details about my blog as requested.
Cheers and do let's keep in touch!
I host my blogs with GoDaddy. I know they offer reasonable shopping cart solutions.
Hi Corline
Thanks for the offer of featuring me on your site. My apologies for the delayed reply.
With so much happening in my life the past 2 months there has been little time for art or blogging.
I would deem it an honour to be featured on your site.
I am now fairly well settled in NZ and can once again dedicate some of my time blogging and more especially my love of painting.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Shoppe Pro totally rocks!!!
I cannot say enough great things about them.
I have used Joomla and virtuemart for years with no problems. Both are free and easily installed.
here is one that develops http://www.qeditsolutions.com
I enjoy etsy a lot
If you can manage a little bit of HTML coding, sign up for Google Checkout.
They now give you a free javascript based shopping cart, and only charge 1.5% + 15p (in the UK, similar in the US)..
see http://checkout.google.com/
for further info
We use a mix of 1&1.com and Godaddy.com for our hosting. These two, for simple websites, are the most inexpensive there is with great quality, good support, and ease of use.
If you need a shopping cart, the one we recommend is Citymax.com. Citymax has an easy to use interface and we hardly ever had any downtime. The cost is less than $20 a month. Their shipping calculator isn't quite as feature rich as some of the other services but if you aren't doing a lot of volume online, what they have should work just fine.
They will host your site, shopping cart, and email. One great thing about Citymax is it easily integrates with PayPal as well. They also don't take a percentage of your sales revenue, you just pay your monthly fee.
Good luck on your new venture.
PS- Before I returned to corporate America so my wife could get her visa, I ran a small website development company and what I mention above is what 90% of my customers used.
I really like etsy, I think your products would be a good fit.
I know there are so many options out there, but if you are at the point where you are ready to develop and maintain your own website (much easier than it sounds), I would highly recommend working with Kayla over at www.littlefishweb.com. She designed and setup our entire website, and then turned it all over to me, making it more of an affordable option long-term. We host over at GoDaddy.com, but I think she offers inexpensive hosting as well.
I absolutely love your creations, and know that having your own shopping cart site would take you to that next level!! Please let me know if I can help you in any way!
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