Entrecard: What is it?
Entrecard is a blogging community with the purpose of driving more traffic to your blog and inturn learning about new blogs and advertising your blog to get better known. (Using credits earned, no money is exchanged!) So far,so good! Getting involved with Entrecard can actually expand your traffic overnight.
In just one week my traffic added about 1,000 viewers. That was a pretty good increase!
That is the easy part. Just type in Entrecard. It will take you to their blog, , you will sign up, and then the steps are very well explained,
You will make a widget and place it on your blog. There are several places that you can make your widget for free. I used Free125 Cards because it was easy and it was free. They offer a number of templates, the correct size for a Entrecard widget (125x125). The explanations are easy to follow and fast. When completed you just upload to your blog. At the top of this post is my widget "Themommyandmeboutique". If you look to the top right in the side bar you will see a widget that is advertising on this blog. Also, you will notice Drop under it. You just hit the Drop and you earn a credit and if you also hit the Blog advertising it will take you to their blog and you will get a credit. Actually it is fun and a challenge and you get to learn about many new and different blogs.
There are 2 ways:
1) Visit other blogs where you see a Entrecard. You can look in the Ecard Campaign under specific categories that you are interested in and drop on those sites to get started. Example: Eduction - look at the sites you like and go to that site and hit the Drop under the E-card widget. You will get a credit for this.
2) Sell Entrecard ads. People look at your blog, decide they want to advertise there .
4. DOES IT TAKE SOME TIME SOME EFFORT! Yes, At first it takes more time because as with anything new you have to get in the swing of things. To get started just start "Dropping" your card on Blogs and as you accumulate credits buy some "cheap" ads - just to get your name out there. The maximum credits you can earn on a daily basis is 300. This does take time but I have noticed people have posted "secret" ways to accomplish this in 15 to 20 minutes." So far I have not mastered this.
Recognition of your Blog ... this is free advertisement. You can't beat that. You get higher ranking in the search engines, etc. And you get new business. I received a marvelous custom order to make some baby items from a viewer of my blog: Themommyandmeboutique. I communicated back and forth, we decided on the items, fabrics and I feel I have made a new friend. Now, again, you can't beat that.
5. GOOD LUCK! I would love to know if you did join Entrecard. And if you have any questions just drop me a note in the comments on my blog. I will be glad to share what I know.
6. THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS ! Comments are always appreciated. And if you would like to exchange Blog links - just say so - and I will link back.
just signed up from entrecard & what do you know some drops later I stumble upon here, thanks for the info, Its helped me understand ec more.
more power!
Hi, thanks for your comments!:) actually my blog with the EC is http://vanniedosa.abomar.net; my domain.
can I put the same card in my other blog? my wannabe supermodel blog?
the next next time someone asks me about entrecard and how it works, i'll direct them here. ;)
thanks for posting this, new members can learn a lot here ;)
Hey, there, thanks for the info. I'm going to look into it now.
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